Exhibition Titled “Old Crafts And Souvenirs Of Serbia”

Exhibition Titled “Old Crafts And Souvenirs Of Serbia”

It is said a good craft is priceless, and old crafts are an integral part of our rich tradition. Aiming to preserve this piece of Serbian cultural heritage, Belgrade Waterfront, in cooperation with the Serbian Tourist Organization, organized an exhibition of photographs titled “Old crafts and souvenirs of Serbia”.

Sava Promenada visitors had the opportunity to reminisce on the crafts and skills embodied in embroidery, weaving, pottery, as well as products of old crafts such as opanak, sajkaca and frula. On 40 panels, visitors had the opportunity to see a variety of items that carry locally recognized features, such as carpets and pottery from Pirot, carved white rosettes, staple carpets, corn puppets from Banat region and tavankut straw art.


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